From valuation to negotiation. Learn the steps to
confidently close the deal on your business.

Lifetime Purchase Offer!

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Save time and stress
A step-by-step, no-nonsense experience, built for busy business owners.

Accurately value your business and learn how you can increase that value before putting your business up for sale

Prepare the documentation you need for a sale and learn how to write it persuasively

Find the right buyer, negotiate the agreement and close on a maximum value deal

Time-efficient videos explaining each key concept of our simple 4-stage "VIAN" process in step-by-step detail

Clear instructions at each step so you know exactly what to do, without wasting time

A direct line for coaching and mentorship throughout the entire process (VIP only)

Justin Sung
Auckland, New Zealand

I've been working on my business for nearly 10 years and I knew nothing about how to go about selling it. I didn't even know how much it was really worth. The videos are straight to the point and I've been going back to the lessons every week. It's definitely not an easy process and I cannot even begin to imagine trying to figure all this stuff out alone. Highly recommend for anyone who doesn't have time to spend hours just learning things and would rather just get the ball rolling.

The best of both worlds
Selling your business used to be expensive or confusing. Now it's neither.

Very time consuming
Months or even longer to go from valuation to sale

Very confusing
100+ hours of learning and reading to safely navigate each stage

Low upfront financial cost

Business broker

Fairly time-efficient
They do most of it for you, but you still need to provide them with the information

Very straightforward
They do almost all of the logistics for you

Very expensive
$20,000+ including brokerage commission and additional service costs

DIY Sell My Business

Fairly time-efficient
Don't waste time wondering what to do, just get on with executing

Fairly straightforward
Follow each step, one at a time

Very affordable

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How long will this course take me?
    It depends on your pace and stage. There are many factors to consider when valuing and selling your business. Someone with a business that is already perfectly prepared and set-up for sale might expect to fly through this course with a successful sale in just a couple of weeks. In our experience, most business owners have more work to do than they realise, so although you can "finish" the videos in just one day, you should expect that the entire process could take months.
  • How do I know if this course is suited for me?
    We've designed this course for beginners with no prior experience in selling their business. Although you will find it easier if you are an organised person, you do not need to have strong accounting, financial or legal skills as these can (and should) be supplemented by professionals. If you're a business owner wanting to sell your business for as much as possible, without the expense of a business broker, this course is for you.
  • How long will I have access to this course for?
    Course access is for life. We know that most business owners won't have time or mental space to get through each of our stages with blazing speed. We give you access to this course for life, so you can continue to refer back to it along your sales journey.
  • What if I'd like more individualised help or coaching?
    We have a VIP Support tier available for those who would like to have access to our continuous coaching and mentorship throughout this process. This can be helpful for those without access to experienced consultants, who have tricky business structures or processes that might need close optimisation before the sale, or simply for those who would appreciate the additional confidence and support of a mentor-on-call. You can upgrade to VIP Support after checkout.
Ready to sell?
Sign up for your lifetime course membership and take your first step to freedom!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xDIY Sell My Business Course$499

All prices in NZD